Life is Good – Merry Christmas


Wow!  Life on the Grieb Ranch is busy as ever.  We have gone from dust and tall dry thistles to hills of green that we are thankful!   The thistles are an amazing late feed.  Thistle heads are full of tiny seeds that the horses and cattle seem to like.  To me, Connie, thistles are “wicked” and the sharp points break off under my skin and hurt.  We are busy putting in a new water trough to replace the rusted out one.  The bulls are now turned out with the cows.  Fixing fences happens almost daily because of the bulls playing (fighting) and ripping them up. We are at the end of our calving season-one cow to calve yet.  Oh!  We are raising the runt puppy of a litter of puppies.  Her name is Ace and she loves to play train with the grandkids.


The Grieb Ranch wants to you to know that with love and thanks to all of you that have blessed us with many wonderful memories of 2016, for the joys of this Christmas Holiday Season, and the promise of your continued blessing of your friendship yet to come in 2017.

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE GRIEB RANCH-as we all remember what Luke 2:10-11 says “Do not be afraid! For behold I bring you good new of great joy that will be for all the people:  Today in the City of David a Savior has been born to you.  He is Christ the Lord!”

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