Count Your Blessings

“Count your many blessings . . . Name them one-by-one,” are lyrics from a childhood song that now rings through Connie’s head this time of year.

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Now her grandson loves counting from one to ten.  He counts everything from six new puppies, five tomatoes in a cluster, four eggs the hens laid,  Thomas the train and his three cargo cars,  his two cows Peaches and Pudge and their calves PJ and Percy, and one little brother.  He counts things Connie tends to overlook, on their way to do some seemly mundane chores.


So in the process her grandson is teaching her to count again.  “Often I become so immersed in things I haven’t finished or things I don’t have that I fail to see all the good things around me.  I have forgotten to count the new friends made this year and the answered prayers received, the tears of joy shed and the times of laughter with good friends,” says Connie.

“My ten fingers are not enough to count all that God gives me day by day.  Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us.  None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your dids, they would be toomany to declare: Psalms 40:5.  How can we even ben gin to count all the blessings of salvation, reconciliation, and eternal life?

Let us join David as he praises God for all His precious thought about us and all He has done for us, when he says, “How precious to me are your thoughts, God!  How vast is the sum of them!  Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand”

(Ps.139:17-18).  Excerpt from: LETS’s LEARN TO COUNT AGAIN!” Keila Ochoa-Daily Bread

As we celebrate Thanksgiving let’s thank God for His COUNTLESS BLESSINGS.



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