Getting Cattle to Market is A Family Affair

We work all year to keep and care for our cattle so they will be in the best shape to sell. Knowledge and techniques are passed down to generations who will be carrying on the work of the ranch in the future. Younger generations learn as they work side-by-side with their parents, grandparents and great grandparents.

Getting cattle to market is truly a family affair. The Grieb Ranch crew recently took their sale cattle to the Visalia Livestock Market which is the closest market since the closing of the Templeton Livestock Market a few years ago.

Livestock market

Mr. P along with his dad, Daniel, his Papa and new friend, Jacob from Michigan all sold their year’s work. Mr. P sold his calf out of his cow “Pudges”. He kept “PJ” out of his cow “Peaches” for a herd sire. These are decisions a budding cowboy needs to make and he has three generations of experience to guide him.



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