When I, Connie, take the time to look around and harvest my MANY blessings, I always have to ask, “Is Jesus enough for me?” Stopping to take time is incredibly hard for me in this season of life on the ranch, as I try to serve four generations daily. There is always something pressing for me to do.
Stop, Reflect and Harvest my Blessings
When I do stop, reflect and harvest my blessings, especially in the recent light of the passing of two dear friends of Grieb Ranch, Janet Maddux and Carolyn DeBlauw – known to us for over 50 years, I drink in the freshness of life. Jesus is enough.

“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Colossians 1:17 NIV
As I reflect, I find myself appreciating the gorgeous sections of the ranch, watching the little ones compete on horseback and naming new baby calves. When I pause and focus on the giver of all the blessings, I get to harvest the blessings of God’s amazing promises…eternal life, forgiveness, our health, strength, peace and daily guidance. Yes, He is enough.

“LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.”
Isaiah 33:2 NIV