Fresh Tomatoes grow right outside the front door at Grieb Ranch making them handy for meals or snacks.
Fresh Tomatoes + Basil + Balsamic Vinegar placed on cheese-melted toast = yummy Bruschetta.
Follow the pics for the recipe.
Yummy home-grown tomatoes from the Grieb Garden.
Mmmm . . . lovely Basil home-grown in a pot on the deck.
Chop up the tomatoes and basil. Pour in Balsamic Vinegar. Chopped garlic can be added to this mixture if desired. Mix together and chill if desired.
Sliced Ciabatta bread is ideal. Here we used slices of roasted garlic sourdough bread which was yummy too. Spread olive oil on the top of each slice and then place shredded Parmesan cheese on top.
Broil the bread under low flame until cheese melts and edges brown. Remove from oven. Keep your eye on the bread as it toasts – Don’t walk away, it burns quicker than you think!
Place tomato, basil and vinegar mixture on top of melted cheese.
Eat . . . Eat . . . Eat!