Written by Margie Grieb Runels and read in church Mother’s Day 1980.
Proverbs 31:28-29 “Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.’ “
Having a Christian Mother meant . . . having to go to Good News Club or Sunday School when you would rather be out playing and always being encouraged to learn new Bible Verses.
It meant . . . going to Bible Camps and Daily Vacation Bible School in the summer and maybe even getting stuck with your mother as a teacher .
It meant . . . helping around the house instead of watching cartoons on Saturday morning.
It meant . . . getting up early to feed animals before school, in order to learn responsibility.
It meant . . . being punished when you did something wrong and always being expected to tell the truth.
It meant . . . sharing your food and especially the cookies with every Tom, Dick or Harry who lost a loved one, had surgery, or just was having a hard time.
It meant . . . not knowing if your friends liked you for yourself, or because your mother was the best home room Mother, 4-H leader and Sunday School teacher around.
It meant . . . saying grace even when you thought you were starving to death, and having family devotions when you would rather be sleeping.
It meant . . . always having a clean house and being expected to keep your room looking half way decent.
It meant . . . having parents that loved each other and who were still sitting by each other in the front seat of the car when you were a teenager.
It meant . . . being kicked out of your bed for every missionary or singing group that came along -and having to share the bathroom with several foster kids and exchange students over the years.
It meant . . . praying for a safe trip and then singing gospel choruses all the way to your destination, instead of listening to the latest songs on the radio.
It meant . . . being always expected to do your best.
It meant . . . being told corny things like, “I love you” every day and always having her around when you got home from school, wanting to know all about your day.
It meant . . . having someone praying for you all the time, even when you didn’t think you needed to be prayed for.
It meant . . . having someone around smiling, praising God and even sharing Bible verses when you felt like just being a grump or feeling sorry for yourself.
Having a Christian Mother meant growing up and suddenly realizing you have the BEST MOTHER in the World.
A loving heart is the truest wisdom-Charles Dickens