Have you ever been kissed by a cow? If so, you know cow tongues are big, strong and bumpy. That licker is one big muscle which makes cow tongue an ideal cut of meat to enjoy.
Say What? Enjoy Cow Tongue??
Say what? Our western palates many not easily wrap around the idea of eating a cow tongue but those who venture forth choose to again and again.
First of all, the outer bumpy part is pulled off after cooking so one doesn’t actually consume that part. Next, because the tongue is a muscle, and a fatty one at that, it is really quite delicious and nutritious. Tongue is packed with Iron, Zinc, Choline and Vitamin B-12. It is also a complete protein providing all the essential amino acids essential for new tissue growth.
Special Memories: Connie shares her memories, “Each time we would have a beef butchered (later known as processed) we would of course have the tongue, heart and liver processed too.”
Now How do you Cook That Licker?
Recipe for: Boiled Tongue
From the Kitchen of: Connie Grieb Willems Servings: 6 to 8
- 1 3 lb. Tongue
- 2 tsp. Salt
- 3 Bay Leaves
- 3 whole black Peppers
- 1 Onion, sliced
- 1 Carrot
- 1 Stalk Celery
Wash tongue. Place in 3 cups cold water; add seasonings and vegetables; Cook slowly in covered pot for about 3 hours, or for 8 hours in a crock pot on low. Cool cooked tongue. Trim excess tissue from root and peel off the outer bumpy skin layer.
Serving Suggestion: Grieb Ranch folks like to slice the tongue into thin slices and dip in mustard. Yum . . . really!