Although Covid has caused shutdowns across the country and lock-downs in California we are well on the Grieb Ranch . . . The reason you haven’t heard much from us is that we are busier than ever. Lock-down for us meant work harder. February gave us a good whip lash with a drought. For the first time in some of our lives not a drop of rain fell in the month of February. This meant daily feeding of our cattle and horses. Then the Covid crisis hit, and impacted many aspects of Grieb Ranch life during the Covid Lock-down.
Grieb Ranch School and Day Care

Nana Connie, became the kid care provider and Grandpa Stan became Mr P’s. 1st grade teacher. As both the grandkid’s parents began work-from-home, and the school and daycare closed, the ranch became not only homeschool, but day care.
Unique Classroom Settings

Homeschool for Mr. P took on many different looks. Being on the ranch meant when adults were busy making repairs or doing farm chores, his classroom moved to that location. In Grandpa and Nana’s house, a spare bedroom was turned into a classroom. School lessons also took place in the shop, at the Goat camp table, in the truck or in the RTV/Kubota and many more unique locations.
Upping the Covid Lock-down Technology Game
Nana and Grandpa had to up their technology game for the Covid Lock-down in order to ZOOM with the class. Supplementing the Coastal Christian School classroom material, is list of favorite learning websites. Here’s the top three: ABC Mouse (pay a fee), Kahn Academy (math for free), and EPIC (pay a fee).