The Covid shutdown provided plenty of playing opportunities with the grands at the Grieb Ranch. “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” says the optimist. Ranch life gives us plenty of opportunities to make lemonade, both for real and for life memories.
Ride along with us at Grieb Ranch to see how we enjoyed “making lemonade” due to the Covid shutdown.
Picking and eating fruit from bushes Ethan and Mr. P planted.
Playing hide and seek with the bunny in Grandma Great’s yard.
Playing find the singing dog that hides in a different place daily at Nana’s house, eating treats, and training puppies,
Riding horseback with mom and Aunt Amanda,
and enjoying some relaxing creek time with Amanda and Mr. A.
We enjoyed making lemonade out of our church shutdown too
In addition, the Church closed its doors for months and became an online event. Stan continued to serve our Sunday School class as the main teacher. Because meeting in person was put on hold, we started meeting by using ZOOM. The added bonus of our ZOOM Sunday School Class was the opportunity for our Missionary friends in Africa and Indonesia to join us.
On July 5th 2020 we had a 50/50 Sunday School class. This provided for people to meet in person at the church and while others joined in on ZOOM at the same time.