Grieb Ranch has a different kind of watch dog, it’s a Peacock Watch Dog. He arrived at the ranch because someone dropped him off and he seems to enjoy his new home. Grieb Ranch has a resident peahen also, but they do not hang out together.
How is this peacock a watch dog? If you have ever heard a peacock “scream” you know that at first the scream is unnerving as the sound is quite piercing. However, this peacock uses his scream to alert those on the Grieb Ranch to potential “dangers”. He screams if the bear comes through the yard. He screams if you shut a door. He screams at any noises. He screams day or night.
Sounds quite unnerving. However, he has become Barbara’s friend as he often sits on the bench on the front porch and peers in at the them (Barbara and Carl) through the window. Barbara tells him good night every night and he calls back to her. He has become part of the family at Grieb Ranch.