Thankful For A Rich Family Heritage

Walnuts, bagged and ready to ship.

Walnuts, bagged and ready to ship.

“If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments so as to carry them out, then I shall give you rains in their season, so that the land will yield its produce and the trees of the field will bear their fruit. Indeed, your threshing will last for you until grape gathering, and grape gathering will last until sowing time. You will thus eat your food to the full and live securely in your land.” Leviticus 26:3-5

Grandpa and Grandma Grieb had orchards; beautiful apricot and walnut orchards. Every summer of my childhood their barn (processing shed) rang with the laughter and chatter of teenage girls who were cutting apricots and placing them on drying trays, while listening to the popular music on the radio. Fall brought the sound of the huge walnut dryers and the musty-burlap smell of gunnysacks which were used to store the walnuts. One November day stands out in my mind because the radio and the dryers were silent. We were gathering with family at the barn to celebrate Thanksgiving. Upon entering the barn, we were amazed because it had been transformed into a banquet hall. The tables were lined up end-to-end and groaned under the weight of the Thanksgiving feast. The barn was filled with family from 9 Grieb children, 26 grandchildren and of course spouses and great grandchildren. We all came to celebrate family and to give thanks for God’s provision.

Treasured memories from the Walnut and Apricot processing shed.

Treasured memories from the Walnut and Apricot processing shed.

I don’t remember us ever being all together before or after that Thanksgiving meal, but I’m sure that Thanksgiving we came very close to all being together.

Thank you Lord for my many, many blessings. Thank you for a very rich heritage, a large loving family and many treasured memories. – Margie Grieb Runels

“Happy Thanksgiving To You and Yours From Grieb Ranch”

Awe, so cute, Babies!

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Meet “Baby Cakes” a healthy heifer calf born to “Chocolate Chip Pancake” who was shown by Ethan at the Santa Barbara County Fair this summer.

The first of the fall calf crop was born on the Grieb Ranch last night! There are a few “grade” cows still on the meager feed of the hills of Grieb Ranch plus supplemented feed. The registered herd enjoys green grass up in Oregon. At Grieb Ranch the calf crop is planned for early Fall so that the babies can be raised on the green grass that is coming; because we’re praying for rain!

The 6th Generation at the Grieb Ranch enjoying the puppies!

The 6th Generation at the Grieb Ranch enjoying the puppies!

Puppies, babies, calves, chicks . . . What is it about new babies that makes us smile? Most people will stop everything at the sight or sound of a baby and flock to dote over the little creatures. Little children also become delighted over the wee creatures.

Maybe babies bring a smile because of the wonder of the miracle of new life. Babies of all kinds are so adorable, tiny and full of promise. Looking at baby animals can remind us of our amazing God and the great love the creator has for us. Not only are baby animals adorable there is the reminder that God loved us so much that He gave us life and formed us in our mother’s womb. “You formed my inward parts,” the psalmist says, “You covered me in my mother’s womb.” (Ps. 139:13)

Yes it’s fall calving time at Grieb Ranch and although the herd is small this year with a few here in California and more in Oregon, there is still the excitement, wonder and awe at the new life. New life renews our world and reminds us that life keeps going on and that creation has a purpose.

Still more exciting than new birth, is rebirth. God offers people spiritual rebirth through Jesus. (John 3:3-8)  God tells believers that we will be changed and inherit life eternal when Jesus returns.  (I Cor. 15:50-52)

So when we see all those new baby calves, chicks, goats or puppies let us remember that our physical and spiritual rebirth is and will be a far greater “awe” from God.

“I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” – Psalm 139:14

He Gives And Takes Away – Drought Devotional

Gives and takes away

“Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor the fruit be on the vines; yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” Habakkuk 3:17-18

“And he said, ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.’ ” Job 1:21

The drought on the central coast in 2014 has made a big impact on my life and family. With no affordable food and no grass on the hills to feed the cows we shipped cattle to sell and also shipped a few to Oregon. Through reading “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young and reading scripture, I am encouraged to rejoice in the Lord. I am reminded that God is with me through the drought. He will watch over me and my family constantly. Nothing – including the extremes of so much rain causing flooding that washes out dams to the driest drought years that leave the land bare – can separate me from God. At Grieb Ranch some of us seem to find God more during the dark times, when our difficulties force us to depend on Him. Others of us feel closer to God when our lives are filled with good things. I am learning to respond to both with thanksgiving and praise. God is amazing in that he knows precisely what I/we need to draw nearer to him. I am learning to go through each day looking for what he has prepared for me. I need to accept every event – droughts included – as a hand tailored provision of my needs. I must remember when I view my life that way the most logical response is to be thankful. I must not reject any of God’s gifts, and find God in every situation. “Blessed be the name of the Lord, He Gives and takes away.”  – Devotional by Connie Grieb Willems

Matt Redmond singing the song “Blessed Be Your Name”

Replant and Move-on Devotional

Wagon wheel

“Praise be to God  the father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of the dead. ” I Peter 1:3 NIV

The stump was old, scarred and ugly.  It stood in the middle of the lawn like a sore thumb; the only reminder of a once majestic tree.  Then my sister placed an old wagon wheel to rest on the stump and planted flowers – beautiful flowers that cascaded over the old stump and transformed it into a thing of beauty.  Recently, when I was visiting my sister’s home I was admiring the old stump and the amazing transformation when God reminded me to pray.

“Help me Lord to remember your answer is not always yes, that when one door closes you open another one. Help me to lean on you and follow your lead and not get to far ahead of you.  Again, help me to bloom where I am planted and  to look around for ways to serve you wherever I am.  Thank you Jesus!”

Connie Willems August 2014

Sometimes dreams die and we must replant and move on.

Whoa! Hold your Horses

Leah on Tex

Proverbs 21:23 “Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles.”

How does 70lbs of little person control a 1400 lb horse? Each summer Grieb Ranch lends its labor and horses to help put on an Ag Adventure Day Camp. One of the highlights for the all the campers is to learn how to ride a horse. The bridle is one tool used to control the huge animal. The rider’s position and seat and legs are another tool. When all are used together with the right balance of aids, harmony and peace are witnessed in the horse and rider.

Scripture tells us to bridle our tongues. When we are gossiping or speaking in anger, we are not submitting to God’s control. Our tongues, writing pens, ipads should more often fall silent and then be filled with thanks for the restraint God can help us with. All too often we speak our own mind and not the mind of Christ.

When we want to show others what a difference Christ makes, we may need to look no further than the restraining of our tongue. Those around us and affected by us won’t help but notice when we honor God and choose to bridle our tongue and not say something.

Connie’s prayer: “Help me, Lord, to use my words not to tear down others or build up my own reputation, but to seek the good of others first, and in so doing to serve You and Your Kingdom.”

A Child Again – Happy Father’s Day

Daddy sign

‘Twasn’t long ago,

I was sitting between my parents in church.

When we bowed our heads to pray,

My father reached for my hand,

And the years fell away.

I was a child,

Sitting in church on a Sunday night,

Holding my Daddy’s hand.

Even then it was gnarled and bent, calloused and worn,

And I held on tight.

A practical joke, a twinkle in his eye,

A father, a friend, a guide.

A man who plays as hard as he works,

A Dad who’s always on my side.

I turned to see my mother singing,

And my eyes were drawn to her lips,

And again, the years did slip.

I was a child again,

Leaning on my Mama’s knee,

Spellbound by her full sweet lips,

As she sat reading Bible stories to me.

A prayer on her lips,

a song in her heart,

A friend, a teacher, a mother.

A woman of God, with open arms,

A Mom to me and so many others.

So many memories,

So many things to be thankful for.

A Mom and a Dad,

Who give and give some more.

Poem By Margie “B” Grieb Runels

Photo: Western Wood Art Sign by Jessica Willems. Contact her at 805-688-7293 for purchase info and to see more signs.

What Having a Christian Mother Meant . . . At Grieb Ranch

Mother Daughter painting


Written by Margie Grieb Runels and read in church Mother’s Day 1980.

Proverbs 31:28-29 “Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.’ “

Having a Christian Mother meant . . . having to go to Good News Club or Sunday School when you would rather be out playing and always being encouraged to learn new Bible Verses.
It meant . . . going to Bible Camps and Daily Vacation Bible School in the summer and maybe even getting stuck with your mother as a teacher .
It meant . . . helping around the house instead of watching cartoons on Saturday morning.
It meant . . . getting up early to feed animals before school, in order to learn responsibility.
It meant . . . being punished when you did something wrong and always being expected to tell the truth.
It meant . . . sharing your food and especially the cookies with every Tom, Dick or Harry who lost a loved one, had surgery, or just was having a hard time.
It meant . . . not knowing if your friends liked you for yourself, or because your mother was the best home room Mother, 4-H leader and Sunday School teacher around.
It meant . . . saying grace even when you thought you were starving to death, and having family devotions when you would rather be sleeping.
It meant . . . always having a clean house and being expected to keep your room looking half way decent.
It meant . . . having parents that loved each other and who were still sitting by each other in the front seat of the car when you were a teenager.
It meant . . . being kicked out of your bed for every missionary or singing group that came along -and having to share the bathroom with several foster kids and exchange students over the years.
It meant . . . praying for a safe trip and then singing gospel choruses all the way to your destination, instead of listening to the latest songs on the radio.
It meant . . . being always expected to do your best.
It meant . . . being told corny things like, “I love you” every day and always having her around when you got home from school, wanting to know all about your day.
It meant . . . having someone praying for you all the time, even when you didn’t think you needed to be prayed for.
It meant . . . having someone around smiling, praising God and even sharing Bible verses when you felt like just being a grump or feeling sorry for yourself.
Having a Christian Mother meant growing up and suddenly realizing you have the BEST MOTHER in the World.
A loving heart is the truest wisdom-Charles Dickens

Letting Go


Chicks ready to leave the nest.

Isaiah 41:13 “For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear I will help you.”

On the ranch we are always growing and raising things, but the most important item is our children. I had to claim his verse and many others as my beautiful daughter left the country life to move to the city.

There are times in life when one must learn to let go: of loved ones, of possessions, of control. In order to let go of something that is precious, you need to rest in God where you are complete. Take time to bask in the light of His love. As you relax more and more, your grasping hand gradually opens up, releasing your prized possession into His care.

One can feel secure, even in the midst of cataclysmic changes, through awareness of God’s continual presence. The One who never leaves you is the same One who never changes. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. As you release more and more things into His care, remember that God never lets go of your hand. Here in lies your security, which no one and no circumstance can take from you. Adapted from Sarah Young-March 24
“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots (in Christ); the other, wings.” Hadding Carter
Dear Lord may I release my cares into your hands. Thank you.  – Connie Grieb W.